La Revue Internationale de Criminologie et de Police Technique et Scientifique (RICPTS) a été l’organe officiel de l’Association Internationale des Criminologues de Langue Française de 1986 à 2022.
Consacrée d’une part à la criminologie, c’est-à-dire à la connaissance et à l’explication du phénomène criminel, ainsi qu’à la prévention du crime et à l’étude de la réaction sociale au crime, cette revue est d’autre part consacrée à la police technique et scientifique ou plus généralement aux sciences forensiques dans leur ensemble. Pour en savoir plus
En avril 2020, un nouvel accord a été signé entre l’AICLF et la RICPTS concernant la numérisation de la revue et ses modes de diffusion.
Voici les nouveautés liées à ce partenariat:
- Les membres de l’AICLF en ordre de cotisation obtiennent un accès sans embargo pour l’ensemble des articles.
- Les non membres auront accès aux futurs articles après un embargo de 12 mois.
Crispino, Frank; Ribaux, Olivier
La déclaration de Sydney pour repositionner la science forensique Article de journal
Dans: Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, vol. LXXVI, no. 3, p. 327–333, 2022.
title = {La déclaration de Sydney pour repositionner la science forensique},
author = { Frank Crispino and Olivier Ribaux},
url = {},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-09-30},
journal = {Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique},
volume = {LXXVI},
number = {3},
pages = {327–333},
abstract = {Face à l’émiettement technologique du débat scientifique en matière de police scientifique, un groupe informel d’académiciens et de praticiens ont décidé de profiter de la prochaine conférence de l’International Association of Forensic Sciences à Sydney en novembre 2023 pour inviter à une réflexion essentielle transverse de cette discipline. Suite à une grande visioconférence en ligne en mai 2021, complétée d’un article scientifique dans Forensic Science International en janvier 2022, ils partagent et échangent leurs idées dans des conférences internationales. La déclaration de Sydney prend ainsi forme, suscitant de nombreuses réactions et entraînant un consensus assez large sur la nécessité de ce repositionnement.
In front of the technological fragmentation of the scientific debate around forensics, an informal group of academics and practitioners have decided to avail the next 2023 International Association of Forensic Sciences conference in Sydney to call for an essential and transverse reflection regarding this discipline. After a large online conference, completed by a scientific paper in Forensic Science International, they are sharing and disseminating their ideas in international conferences. The Sydney Declaration thus takes shape, provoking numerous reactions and leading to a fairly broad consensus on the need for this repositioning.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
In front of the technological fragmentation of the scientific debate around forensics, an informal group of academics and practitioners have decided to avail the next 2023 International Association of Forensic Sciences conference in Sydney to call for an essential and transverse reflection regarding this discipline. After a large online conference, completed by a scientific paper in Forensic Science International, they are sharing and disseminating their ideas in international conferences. The Sydney Declaration thus takes shape, provoking numerous reactions and leading to a fairly broad consensus on the need for this repositioning.
Nolet, Anne-Marie; Lamboley, Madeline
Les pratiques actuelles et les besoins des intervenantes en matière d’interventions centrées sur le réseau social des femmes victimes de violence conjugale Article de journal
Dans: Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, vol. LXXVI, no. 3, p. 318–326, 2022.
title = {Les pratiques actuelles et les besoins des intervenantes en matière d’interventions centrées sur le réseau social des femmes victimes de violence conjugale},
author = { Anne-Marie Nolet and Madeline Lamboley},
url = {},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-09-30},
journal = {Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique},
volume = {LXXVI},
number = {3},
pages = {318–326},
abstract = {Cet article vise à décrire les pratiques actuelles et les besoins des intervenantes en ce qui concerne l’intervention centrée sur le réseau social des femmes victimes de violence conjugale. S’inscrivant dans une démarche de recherche-action participative, une enquête a été réalisée auprès d’intervenantes de maisons membres de l’Alliance des maisons d’hébergement de deuxième étape pour femmes et enfants victimes de violence conjugale. Cette enquête a été complétée par deux groupes de discussion. Les résultats montrent que les pratiques centrées sur le réseau des femmes sont bien vivantes au Québec. Plus d’outils concerts sont cependant attendus.
This article aims to describe and analyze current practices focusing on the social networks of victims of domestic violence, as well as the workers’ needs regarding such practices. As part of a participatory action-research, a survey was conducted among workers of the Alliance des maisons d’hébergement de deuxième étape pour femmes et enfants victimes de violence conjugale. Two focus groups were also held. Results show that practices centered on the women’s networks are well implemented in Quebec, but that workers also need additional tools.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
This article aims to describe and analyze current practices focusing on the social networks of victims of domestic violence, as well as the workers’ needs regarding such practices. As part of a participatory action-research, a survey was conducted among workers of the Alliance des maisons d’hébergement de deuxième étape pour femmes et enfants victimes de violence conjugale. Two focus groups were also held. Results show that practices centered on the women’s networks are well implemented in Quebec, but that workers also need additional tools.
Brunier, Nicolas
Les expériences des jeunes adultes ruraux de 18 à 30 ans vues par les intervenant·es communautaires de la justice Article de journal
Dans: Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, vol. LXXVI, no. 3, p. 308–317, 2022.
title = {Les expériences des jeunes adultes ruraux de 18 à 30 ans vues par les intervenant·es communautaires de la justice},
author = { Nicolas Brunier},
url = {},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-09-30},
journal = {Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique},
volume = {LXXVI},
number = {3},
pages = {308–317},
abstract = {La jeunesse dite « délinquante » est souvent vue comme une population urbaine, pourtant elle existe en milieu rural et est peu traitée par les recherches académiques. Fréquemment condamnée à des peines « avec suivi dans la communauté », cette jeunesse judiciarisée de 18 à 30 ans est surveillée, contrôlée et réhabilitée par des intervenant·es communautaires qui utilisent leurs compétences professionnelles, mais également leur éthique personnelle et leur adaptation pour intervenir auprès ces personnes contrevenantes. En réponse, ce groupe social se trouve en tension ou en lien avec ces intervenant·es.
The so-called delinquent youth is often seen as an urban population, yet it exists in rural areas and is little addressed by academic research. Frequently sentenced to «community-based» sentences, these young people between the ages of 18 and 30 are monitored, controlled and rehabilitated by community workers who use their professional skills, but also their personal ethics and adaptation to work with these offenders. In response, this social group finds itself in tension or in a relationship with these workers.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
The so-called delinquent youth is often seen as an urban population, yet it exists in rural areas and is little addressed by academic research. Frequently sentenced to «community-based» sentences, these young people between the ages of 18 and 30 are monitored, controlled and rehabilitated by community workers who use their professional skills, but also their personal ethics and adaptation to work with these offenders. In response, this social group finds itself in tension or in a relationship with these workers.
Ouattara, Bakry
économie souterraine de la drogue en Côte d’Ivoire dans un contexte de crise sanitaire (Covid-19) : entre fonctions sociales et insécurité Article de journal
Dans: Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, vol. LXXVI, no. 3, p. 301–307, 2022.
title = {économie souterraine de la drogue en Côte d’Ivoire dans un contexte de crise sanitaire (Covid-19) : entre fonctions sociales et insécurité},
author = { Bakry Ouattara},
url = {},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-09-30},
journal = {Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique},
volume = {LXXVI},
number = {3},
pages = {301–307},
abstract = {Cette étude a analysé les fonctions sociales et l’insécurité induites par l’économie souterraine de la drogue en Côte d’Ivoire dans un contexte de crise sanitaire lié à la Covid-19. Le site de l’enquête est Abidjan et 110 personnes ont été interrogées sur la base d’un échantillon à choix raisonné. Le recueil des données s’est fait à travers trois outils (étude documentaire, observation et entretien). Les informations recueillies ont fait l’objet d’une analyse qualitative. Il ressort ainsi que le système d’organisation déployé, et l’utilisation des moyens de distribution et de vente de drogues constituent des stratégies d’adaptation sociale pour ces acteurs de cette économie souterraine face aux contraintes sanitaires de la Covid-19. L’économie souterraine de la drogue génère beaucoup de flux financiers réinjectés dans l’économie légale. Toutefois, elle a des conséquences nocives sur l’ensemble de notre organisation sociale à court et long termes.
This study analyzed the social functions and insecurity induced by the underground drug economy in Côte d’Ivoire in the context of the Covid-19 health crisis. The survey site is Abidjan and 110 people were interviewed on the basis of a reasoned choice sample. Data collection was done through three tools (literature review, observation and interview). The information collected was subject to qualitative analysis. It thus emerges that the organization system deployed, and the use of the means of distribution and sale of drugs constitute social adaptation strategies for these actors of this underground economy in the face of the health constraints of Covid-19. The underground drug economy generates a lot of financial flows that are fed back into the legal economy. However, it has harmful consequences on our entire social organization in the short and long term.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
This study analyzed the social functions and insecurity induced by the underground drug economy in Côte d’Ivoire in the context of the Covid-19 health crisis. The survey site is Abidjan and 110 people were interviewed on the basis of a reasoned choice sample. Data collection was done through three tools (literature review, observation and interview). The information collected was subject to qualitative analysis. It thus emerges that the organization system deployed, and the use of the means of distribution and sale of drugs constitute social adaptation strategies for these actors of this underground economy in the face of the health constraints of Covid-19. The underground drug economy generates a lot of financial flows that are fed back into the legal economy. However, it has harmful consequences on our entire social organization in the short and long term.
Zorzetto, Zoé; Garcet, Serge
Rôle du genre et de l’orientation sentimentale dans la victimisation, la perpétration et la perception des « dating violence » entre é du supérieur Article de journal
Dans: Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, vol. LXXVI, no. 3, p. 285–300, 2022.
title = {Rôle du genre et de l’orientation sentimentale dans la victimisation, la perpétration et la perception des « dating violence » entre é du supérieur},
author = { Zoé Zorzetto and Serge Garcet},
url = {},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-09-30},
journal = {Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique},
volume = {LXXVI},
number = {3},
pages = {285–300},
abstract = {Les adultes émergents sont davantage exposés aux violences psychologiques, physiques, sexuelles et cyber que l’on regroupe sous l’appellation de « dating violence » (DV). Cette recherche a étudié le rôle éventuel du genre et de l’orientation sentimentale sur la victimisation, la perpétration et la perception de la DV au sein d’une population d’étudiant.e.s du supérieur en France et en Belgique. En matière de genres et d’orientations sentimentales, les filles perçoivent les DV de façon plus abusive que les garçons tandis que les garçons LGB+ perçoivent la DV cyber et sexuelle comme moins abusive que les filles hétérosexuelles mais plus que les garçons hétérosexuels. Les résultats contrastés amènent à questionner les concepts de genres masculin et féminin au regard des autres identités ainsi que le besoin de clarifier les contenus cognitifs sous-jacents à ces concepts afin de mieux en appréhender les contours et identifier les limites méthodologiques qu’ils impriment.
Emerging adults are more exposed to psychological, physical, sexual and cyber violence, which are gathered under the term “dating violence” (DV). This research studied the potential role of gender and sentimental orientation on the victimization, perpetration and perception of DV, among undergraduate students in France and Belgium. In term of gender and sentimental orientation, girls perceive DV as more abusive than boys. Moreover, LGB+ boys perceive sexual and cyber violence as less abusive than heterosexual girls, but they perceive these violence types as more abusive than heterosexual boys. These contrasted results question the concept of feminine and masculine gender regarding other gender identities, as well as the need to clarify the cognitive contents underlying those concepts in order to better apprehend their outlines and identify their methodological boundaries.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Emerging adults are more exposed to psychological, physical, sexual and cyber violence, which are gathered under the term “dating violence” (DV). This research studied the potential role of gender and sentimental orientation on the victimization, perpetration and perception of DV, among undergraduate students in France and Belgium. In term of gender and sentimental orientation, girls perceive DV as more abusive than boys. Moreover, LGB+ boys perceive sexual and cyber violence as less abusive than heterosexual girls, but they perceive these violence types as more abusive than heterosexual boys. These contrasted results question the concept of feminine and masculine gender regarding other gender identities, as well as the need to clarify the cognitive contents underlying those concepts in order to better apprehend their outlines and identify their methodological boundaries.
Guendi, Sarah El
L’usage de la théorisation ancrée : une réflexion sur son apport à l’étude du phénomène d’emprise vécue au sein d’une relation intime et affective Article de journal
Dans: Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, vol. LXXVI, no. 3, p. 280–284, 2022.
title = {L’usage de la théorisation ancrée : une réflexion sur son apport à l’étude du phénomène d’emprise vécue au sein d’une relation intime et affective},
author = { Sarah El Guendi},
url = {},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-09-30},
journal = {Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique},
volume = {LXXVI},
number = {3},
pages = {280–284},
abstract = {L’objet principal de cet article consiste à proposer une approche réflexive sur l’apport de la méthode par théorisation ancrée au phénomène d’emprise vécue au sein d’une relation intime et affective. La théorisation ancrée est une méthode d’analyse procède par un solide ancrage de l’analyse dans les données empiriques. Cette méthode favorise l’innovation scientifique par son ancrage dans les données du terrain d’étude. La présente contribution a pour objectif de montrer la pertinence, l’enrichissement et les limites de cette méthode dans le cadre d’une recherche qualitative investiguant le vécu de femmes sous emprise.
The purpose of this article is to propose a reflection on the contribution of the anchored theorization method to the phenomenon of control experienced within an intimate and affective relationship. Grounded theorizing is a method of analysis rooted in field data. This method of analysis contributes to the advancement of scientific knowledge by firmly grounding the analysis in empirical data. The present contribution shows the relevance, the enrichment and the limits of this method in the context of a qualitative research investigating the experiences of women under control.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
The purpose of this article is to propose a reflection on the contribution of the anchored theorization method to the phenomenon of control experienced within an intimate and affective relationship. Grounded theorizing is a method of analysis rooted in field data. This method of analysis contributes to the advancement of scientific knowledge by firmly grounding the analysis in empirical data. The present contribution shows the relevance, the enrichment and the limits of this method in the context of a qualitative research investigating the experiences of women under control.
Sette, Raffaella
Partis politiques d’(extrême)droite, réseaux sociaux et propagande haineuse à travers l’internet en Italie Article de journal
Dans: Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, vol. LXXVI, no. 3, p. 270–279, 2022.
title = {Partis politiques d’(extrême)droite, réseaux sociaux et propagande haineuse à travers l’internet en Italie},
author = { Raffaella Sette},
url = {},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-09-30},
journal = {Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique},
volume = {LXXVI},
number = {3},
pages = {270–279},
abstract = {Dans cette étude, nous avons analysé la communication sur les médias sociaux des forces politiques de la droite radicale italienne qui génèrent certaines formes de discours de haine et/ou incitent à la haine dans la société (Projet Europeen Genha - Hate Speech, Gender, Social Networks and Political Parties). Dans les débats publics et les discours académiques, ces forces sont souvent qualifiées de « droite populiste » ou parfois d’« extrême droite ». Il s’agit de partis et d’autres groupes qui acceptent formellement les normes et les procédures de la démocratie électorale et qui sont considérés comme opérant dans le cadre de l’État de droit. Toutefois, ces forces remettent souvent en question et instrumentalisent les valeurs fondamentales de l’arène politique démocratique. Les forces de la droite radicale, en particulier celles qui ont de fortes tendances populistes, entretiennent des relations étroites avec les médias en ligne. Il est avancé que les médias interactifs aident les populistes à contourner les règles et les normes des médias traditionnels, leur permettant d’entrer (ou de prétendre d’entrer) en contact direct avec les citoyens, de leur demander de partager leurs opinions publiques et d’expérimenter des conversations qui semblent avoir peu d’interférence avec le pouvoir politique. À l’aide d’une approche de recherche en plusieurs étapes et d’une méthodologie mixte quantitative et qualitative, nous avons cherché à identifier les publications sur les médias sociaux (Facebook et Twitter) d’acteurs politiques de droite et de personnalités ou groupes du même espace politique dont le langage incitait ou contenait des discours de haine. En outre, une partie qualitative de la recherche a été consacrée à l’analyse des commentaires des utilisateurs ordinaires sur les messages en ligne des personnalités politiques afin d’identifier les réactions contenant des discours de haine. Tous les messages en ligne analysés ont été définis sur la base de discours de haine appartenant à trois macro-catégories : discours de haine sexiste, homophobe et contre l’égalité des sexes.
In this study, we analysed the social media communication of Italian radical right-wing political forces that generate hate speech and/or incite hate in society (European Project Genha - Hate Speech, Gender, Social Networks and Political Parties). In public debates and academic discourses, these forces are often referred to as the «populist right» or sometimes as the «far right». These are parties and other groups that formally accept the norms and procedures of electoral democracy and are seen as operating within the rule of law. However, these forces often challenge and instrumentalise the core values of the democratic political arena. Radical right-wing forces, especially those with strong populist tendencies, have a close relationship with online media. It is argued that interactive media help populists to bypass the rules and norms of traditional media, allowing them to enter (or pretend to enter) into direct contact with citizens, to ask them to share their public opinions and to engage in conversations that seem to have little to do with political power. Using a multi-stage research approach and a mixed quantitative and qualitative methodology, we sought to identify social media posts (Facebook and Twitter) of right-wing political actors and personalities or groups from the same political space whose language incited or contained hate speech. In addition, a qualitative part of the research was devoted to analyse the comments of ordinary users on the online messages of political figures to identify reactions containing hate speech. All online messages analysed were defined based on hate speech belonging to three macro-categories: gender-based, homophobic, and antigender hate speech.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
In this study, we analysed the social media communication of Italian radical right-wing political forces that generate hate speech and/or incite hate in society (European Project Genha - Hate Speech, Gender, Social Networks and Political Parties). In public debates and academic discourses, these forces are often referred to as the «populist right» or sometimes as the «far right». These are parties and other groups that formally accept the norms and procedures of electoral democracy and are seen as operating within the rule of law. However, these forces often challenge and instrumentalise the core values of the democratic political arena. Radical right-wing forces, especially those with strong populist tendencies, have a close relationship with online media. It is argued that interactive media help populists to bypass the rules and norms of traditional media, allowing them to enter (or pretend to enter) into direct contact with citizens, to ask them to share their public opinions and to engage in conversations that seem to have little to do with political power. Using a multi-stage research approach and a mixed quantitative and qualitative methodology, we sought to identify social media posts (Facebook and Twitter) of right-wing political actors and personalities or groups from the same political space whose language incited or contained hate speech. In addition, a qualitative part of the research was devoted to analyse the comments of ordinary users on the online messages of political figures to identify reactions containing hate speech. All online messages analysed were defined based on hate speech belonging to three macro-categories: gender-based, homophobic, and antigender hate speech.
Boussiga, Nahil; Lemon-Langlois, Stéphane
La corruption et l’injustice comme arguments d’endoctrinement : les groupes terroristes dits djihadistes tiennent-ils un double discours? Article de journal
Dans: Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, vol. LXXVI, no. 3, p. 262–269, 2022.
title = {La corruption et l’injustice comme arguments d’endoctrinement : les groupes terroristes dits djihadistes tiennent-ils un double discours?},
author = { Nahil Boussiga and Stéphane Lemon-Langlois},
url = {},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-09-30},
journal = {Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique},
volume = {LXXVI},
number = {3},
pages = {262–269},
abstract = {Le terrorisme salafiste djihadiste est un objet criminologique difficile à appréhender de par son caractère polymorphe dans le temps et dans l’espace. Nous scrutons le discours d’embrigadement djihadiste à partir des textes de propagande d’Al-Qaïda et de l’organisation État islamique et le confrontons à la réalité en nous appuyant sur des faits, des récits et des témoignages. L’analyse des récits propagandistes fait apparaître un discours moralisateur confus, bourré de contradictions, appuyé par des versets coraniques et des hadiths mal interprétés, intentionnellement ou non, et arrachés à leur contexte d’origine. Nous en déduisons que le discours religieux servi par les organisations djihadistes, dans le but de légitimer la déviance, comporte des visées stratégiques. Bon nombre de jeunes réalisent rapidement que l’aventure djihadiste est loin d’être une lutte homérique contre les forces du mal. Du jeune marginalisé à la recherche de transcendance au petit caïd de quartier en quête de rédemption, les motivations des nouvelles recrues sont multiples. À l’issue de cette recherche, nous parvenons à dresser quelques portraits des porte-étendards du Califat dont certains sont atypiques, voire hybrides (Gayraud, 2017). Nous adoptons un point de vue réflexif et critique sur le portrait du salafiste djihadiste forgé par les amalgames qui sont souvent commis dans les études se penchant sur le processus menant à l’extrémisme violent.
Terrorism is a criminological object that is difficult to grasp owing to its polymorphic nature in time and space. We scrutinized Al-Qaeda and ISIS jihadist propaganda texts and confronted them with reality, by relying on facts, stories and testimonies. Text analysis reveals that moralizing jihadist discourse is confused, full of contradictions, and supported by -intentionally or not- badly interpreted Quranic verses and hadiths, which are torn from their original context. We conclude that jihadist groups’ religious discourse whose purpose is to legitimize deviance has strategic aims. Many young people quickly realize that their jihadist adventure is far from being a Homeric struggle against the forces of evil. Recruitment candidates are varied, ranging from marginalized youth seeking transcendence to petty criminals in search of redemption. This research helped us depict some portrayals of The Caliphate’s standard-bearers, some of which are atypical, even hybrid (Gayraud, 2017). We adopt a reflexive and critical stance on the oversimplified and confused depiction of salafi-jihadists made by scholars who have studied the violent extremism process.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Terrorism is a criminological object that is difficult to grasp owing to its polymorphic nature in time and space. We scrutinized Al-Qaeda and ISIS jihadist propaganda texts and confronted them with reality, by relying on facts, stories and testimonies. Text analysis reveals that moralizing jihadist discourse is confused, full of contradictions, and supported by -intentionally or not- badly interpreted Quranic verses and hadiths, which are torn from their original context. We conclude that jihadist groups’ religious discourse whose purpose is to legitimize deviance has strategic aims. Many young people quickly realize that their jihadist adventure is far from being a Homeric struggle against the forces of evil. Recruitment candidates are varied, ranging from marginalized youth seeking transcendence to petty criminals in search of redemption. This research helped us depict some portrayals of The Caliphate’s standard-bearers, some of which are atypical, even hybrid (Gayraud, 2017). We adopt a reflexive and critical stance on the oversimplified and confused depiction of salafi-jihadists made by scholars who have studied the violent extremism process.
Danhoue, Gogoué Jean Claude
Fraude dans les procédures douanières au Port Autonome d’Abidjan Article de journal
Dans: Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, vol. LXXV, no. 2, p. 229–243, 2022.
title = {Fraude dans les procédures douanières au Port Autonome d’Abidjan},
author = { Gogoué Jean Claude Danhoue},
url = {},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-06-30},
journal = {Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique},
volume = {LXXV},
number = {2},
pages = {229–243},
abstract = {L’objectif de cette étude est de décrire le mode opératoire de la fraude dans les procédures douanières au Port Autonome d’Abidjan. En termes de méthodologie, le terrain d’étude est le Port Autonome d’Abidjan. La population d’enquête regroupe des agents des différents services de contrôle, de sécurité et de dédouanement, des usagers du port et des opérateurs économiques. L’échantillonnage par choix raisonné repose sur 40 individus. Les techniques de recueil des données sont la recherche documentaire, l’observation et l’entretien. Quant à la méthode d’analyse des données, elle se veut qualitative. La procédure de dédouanement consiste à assurer la perception des taxes et droits divers sur les marchandises à l’importation tout comme à l’exportation. Ce processus a connu une redynamisation en termes de célérité de contrôle et de préventions d’opérations illicites. Cependant, les résultats des recherches notent que des acteurs du port usent de multiples stratèges pour se déjouer de la réglementation en droit douanier. À travers une analyse des pratiques frauduleuses dans les procédures de dédouanement au port d’Abidjan, cette contribution examinera comment les acteurs qui y travaillent et des opérateurs économiques construisent ensemble les normes de transites illégales des marchandises pour l’importation et l’exportation.
The objective of this study is to describe the modus operandi of fraud in customs procedures at the Autonomous Port of Abidjan. In terms of methodology, the field of study is the Autonomous Port of Abidjan. The survey population includes agents from the various control, security and customs clearance services, port users and economic operators. Purposive sampling is based on 40 individuals. The data collection techniques are documentary research, observation and interview. As for the method of data analysis, it is qualitative. The customs clearance procedure consists of ensuring the collection of taxes and various duties on goods for import and export. This process has been revitalized in terms of speed of control and prevention of illicit operations. However, the research results note that port actors use multiple strategies to circumvent customs law regulations. Through an analysis of fraudulent practices in customs clearance procedures at the port of Abidjan, this contribution will examine how the actors who work there and economic operators, together build the standards of illegal transit of goods for import and export.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
The objective of this study is to describe the modus operandi of fraud in customs procedures at the Autonomous Port of Abidjan. In terms of methodology, the field of study is the Autonomous Port of Abidjan. The survey population includes agents from the various control, security and customs clearance services, port users and economic operators. Purposive sampling is based on 40 individuals. The data collection techniques are documentary research, observation and interview. As for the method of data analysis, it is qualitative. The customs clearance procedure consists of ensuring the collection of taxes and various duties on goods for import and export. This process has been revitalized in terms of speed of control and prevention of illicit operations. However, the research results note that port actors use multiple strategies to circumvent customs law regulations. Through an analysis of fraudulent practices in customs clearance procedures at the port of Abidjan, this contribution will examine how the actors who work there and economic operators, together build the standards of illegal transit of goods for import and export.
Nolla, Pauline Priscille Ngo
Le contrôle social des violences faites aux femmes dans la région de l’Extrême-Nord du Cameroun Article de journal
Dans: Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, vol. LXXV, no. 2, p. 212–228, 2022.
title = {Le contrôle social des violences faites aux femmes dans la région de l’Extrême-Nord du Cameroun},
author = { Pauline Priscille Ngo Nolla},
url = {},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-06-30},
journal = {Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique},
volume = {LXXV},
number = {2},
pages = {212–228},
abstract = {La région de l’Extrême-Nord du Cameroun est en proie depuis 2014, à une montée crisogène qui dresse le lit d’infractions et de déviances habituelles, dont les Violences Faites aux Femmes (VFF). Ce qui souligne l’inefficacité des mécanismes classiques à protéger des valeurs sociales consacrées. Pour y remédier, des stratégies et plans d’action tous azimuts sont élaborés à l’effet de capter les enjeux associés à la lutte contre les VFF, par le biais du contrôle social. Toutefois, il reste des défis non négligeables pour l’efficience des perspectives préconisées. En faisant usage de la criminologie du contrôle social et de la théorie du fonctionnalisme relativisé, les pistes suggérées par ce travail qui se veut prospectif, esquissent des points d’amélioration, autour desquels le contrôle social doit s’inscrire pour garantir la pertinence de la gestion de cet écart à la norme.
The Far North region of Cameroon has been plagued since 2014 by a crisogenic rise that lays the bed for habitual offences and deviances, including Violence Against Women (VAW). This, highlights the ineffectiveness of traditional mechanisms in protecting established social values. To remedy this, strategies and action plans are being developed to address the issues associated with the fight against VAW through social control. However, there are still significant challenges to the effectiveness of the perspectives advocated. By making use of the criminology of social control and the theory of relativised functionalism, the suggestions made by this work, which is intended to be forward-looking, outline points of improvement around which, social control must be built in order to guarantee the relevance of managing this deviation from the norm.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
The Far North region of Cameroon has been plagued since 2014 by a crisogenic rise that lays the bed for habitual offences and deviances, including Violence Against Women (VAW). This, highlights the ineffectiveness of traditional mechanisms in protecting established social values. To remedy this, strategies and action plans are being developed to address the issues associated with the fight against VAW through social control. However, there are still significant challenges to the effectiveness of the perspectives advocated. By making use of the criminology of social control and the theory of relativised functionalism, the suggestions made by this work, which is intended to be forward-looking, outline points of improvement around which, social control must be built in order to guarantee the relevance of managing this deviation from the norm.
Urteaga, Eguzki
Le désarmement de l’ETA au Pays Basque Article de journal
Dans: Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, vol. LXXV, no. 2, p. 189–211, 2022.
title = {Le désarmement de l’ETA au Pays Basque},
author = { Eguzki Urteaga},
url = {},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-06-30},
journal = {Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique},
volume = {LXXV},
number = {2},
pages = {189–211},
abstract = {Devant le refus persistant des Etats concernés de permettre son désarmement, l’ETA décide de se désarmer de façon unilatérale, avec l’aide de la société civile organisée, particulièrement des Artisans de la Paix, et des médiateurs internationaux, tels que le Groupe International de Contact et la Commission Internationale de Vérification. Suite à l’opération de Louhossoa, d’intenses tractations et une phase de préparation, le désarmement de l’ETA se produit le 8 avril 2017 de façon ordonnée, sûre et complète. Cet événement historique, amplement couvert par les médias locaux, hexagonaux et internationaux, est salué par la classe politique locale, le gouvernement français et la communauté internationale.
Facing the persistent refusal of the concerned states to allow its disarmament, ETA decided to disarm unilaterally, with the help of organised civil society, particularly the Artisans of Peace, and international mediators, such as the International Contact Group and the International Verification Commission. After the Louhossoa operation, intense negotiations and a phase of preparation, the disarmament of ETA took place on 8 April 2017 in an orderly, safe and complete manner. This historic event was widely covered by the local, French and international media, and was welcomed by the local political class, the French government and the international community.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Facing the persistent refusal of the concerned states to allow its disarmament, ETA decided to disarm unilaterally, with the help of organised civil society, particularly the Artisans of Peace, and international mediators, such as the International Contact Group and the International Verification Commission. After the Louhossoa operation, intense negotiations and a phase of preparation, the disarmament of ETA took place on 8 April 2017 in an orderly, safe and complete manner. This historic event was widely covered by the local, French and international media, and was welcomed by the local political class, the French government and the international community.
Cusson, Maurice
Quelles stratégies pour des gangs moins violents à Montréal ? Article de journal
Dans: Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, vol. LXXV, no. 2, p. 173–188, 2022.
title = {Quelles stratégies pour des gangs moins violents à Montréal ?},
author = { Maurice Cusson},
url = {},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-06-30},
journal = {Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique},
volume = {LXXV},
number = {2},
pages = {173–188},
abstract = {Que faire contre les fusillades et les meurtres qui sèment l’effroi dans le nord de Montréal ? L’article décrit deux stratégies susceptibles d’inspirer les autorités préoccupées par les fusillades et autres violences dont les gangs de Montréal se rendent responsables : le policing des points chauds du crime et la dissuasion focalisée. Il s’agit d’opérations qui ont fait leurs preuves – une efficacité démontrée quasi expérimentalement. L’introduction de l’article pose le problème des fusillades de l’automne 2021. Suit une présentation sur ce que nous savons des gangs de rue de Montréal et d’ailleurs. Quels sont les types de crime commis par les membres de ces gangs ? Pour quelles raisons un adolescent décide-t-il d’appartenir à un gang ? Pourquoi s’achète-t-il un pistolet ? On passe ensuite à la présentation de deux stratégies à la fois préventives et dissuasives mises au point par des criminologues et des policiers municipaux américains qui se proposaient de résorber les fusillades et les meurtres dont se rendent coupables les gangs qui faisaient la loi dans les « inner cities ». La première est le policing des points chauds du crime (hot spots policing). Cette stratégie consiste à cibler des segments de rue dans lesquels il se commet un surnombre de crimes, d’y intensifier la présence policière et d’y implanter des mesures de prévention situationnelle. La deuxième stratégie est la dissuasion focalisée : (focus deterrence). Au moment culminant de cette opération, l’équipe qui l’exécute réunit les membres de gangs impliqués dans une fusillade à une assemblée au cours de laquelle on leur promet qu’ils seront sévèrement punis s’ils persistent à tirer sur leurs adversaires. Et quand les menaces ne suffisent pas à faire cesser la violence, les sanctions suivent. Le but de l’opération n’est plus de démanteler le gang, mais de l’utiliser comme un réseau de communication pour faire passer le message : Ne tirez pas ! Un message d’autant plus convaincant qu’il porte l’espoir pour les jeunes de survivre aux affrontements. Dans la section suivante de l’article, on propose l’exemple d’une remarquable opération de policing de points chauds dans la ville de Jersey City lancée en 1995. On passe ensuite à la célèbre opération dite « Ceasefire » réalisée à partir de 1996 dans la ville de Boston. En conclusion, l’article répond aux questions : quelles sont les meilleures tactiques pour lutter contre la violence des gangs et quelles sont les cibles à choisir en priorité ? En guise de réponse, on préconise 1/ de choisir en priorité deux catégories de cibles : les armes à feu et un groupe de points chauds du crime , 2/ de préférer la dissuasion focalisée à la prévention communautaire (dont l’inefficacité est démontrée) , 3/ d’intégrer les travailleurs de rue dans des projets de dissuasion focalisée et, 4/ de demander aux policiers de s’abstenir de harceler les jeunes et, plutôt, de leur conseiller de ne contrôler ou de n’interpeller que s’ils ont des raisons solides de le faire et, dans de tels cas, d’exiger des agents qu’ils procèdent dans le respect des principes d’équité et de justice procédurale.
What can be done about the shootings and murders that plague Montreal’s north end ? This article describes two strategies that could inspire authorities concerned about the shootings and other violence by Montreal gangs : policing crime hot spots and focused deterrence. These are proven operations - almost experimentally proven to be effective. The introduction to the article poses the problem of shootings in the fall of 2021. If is followed by a presentation on what we know about street gangs in Montreal and elsewhere. What types of crimes are committed by gang members ? Why does a teenager decide to join a gang ? Why does he buy a gun ? We then move on to the presentation of two strategies developed by criminologists and municipal police officers in the United States to reduce the number of shootings and murders committed by gangs in the inner cities. The first is hot spot policing. It consists of targeting street segments, increasing police presence and implementing situational crime prevention. The second strategy is focused deterrence. At the climax of this operation, the team executing it brings together gang members involved in a shootout at a forum where they are promised severe punishment if they persist in shooting. And when threats are not enough to stop the violence, punishment follows. The goal of the operation is no longer to dismantle the gangs, but to use them as a communication network to spread the message : Don’t shoot! A message all the more convincing because it carries the hope for the young people to survive. In the next section, we propose the example of a hot spot policing operation in Jersey City launched in 1995. It then moves on to the famous « Ceasefire » operation launched in 1996 in Boston. The article concludes by answering the questions : What are the best tactics to combat gang violence and which targets should be given priority ? As an answer, it advocates 1/ prioritizing two categories of targets : guns and a cluster of crime hot spots, 2/ preferring focused deterrence to community-based prevention (the latter has been shown to be ineffective) , 3/ integrate street workers into focused deterrence projects, and, 4/ instruct police officers to refrain from harassing youth and, instead, advise them to stop or question only when they have strong reasons to do so and, in such cases, to require officers to proceed in accordance with the principles of fairness and procedural justice.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
What can be done about the shootings and murders that plague Montreal’s north end ? This article describes two strategies that could inspire authorities concerned about the shootings and other violence by Montreal gangs : policing crime hot spots and focused deterrence. These are proven operations - almost experimentally proven to be effective. The introduction to the article poses the problem of shootings in the fall of 2021. If is followed by a presentation on what we know about street gangs in Montreal and elsewhere. What types of crimes are committed by gang members ? Why does a teenager decide to join a gang ? Why does he buy a gun ? We then move on to the presentation of two strategies developed by criminologists and municipal police officers in the United States to reduce the number of shootings and murders committed by gangs in the inner cities. The first is hot spot policing. It consists of targeting street segments, increasing police presence and implementing situational crime prevention. The second strategy is focused deterrence. At the climax of this operation, the team executing it brings together gang members involved in a shootout at a forum where they are promised severe punishment if they persist in shooting. And when threats are not enough to stop the violence, punishment follows. The goal of the operation is no longer to dismantle the gangs, but to use them as a communication network to spread the message : Don’t shoot! A message all the more convincing because it carries the hope for the young people to survive. In the next section, we propose the example of a hot spot policing operation in Jersey City launched in 1995. It then moves on to the famous « Ceasefire » operation launched in 1996 in Boston. The article concludes by answering the questions : What are the best tactics to combat gang violence and which targets should be given priority ? As an answer, it advocates 1/ prioritizing two categories of targets : guns and a cluster of crime hot spots, 2/ preferring focused deterrence to community-based prevention (the latter has been shown to be ineffective) , 3/ integrate street workers into focused deterrence projects, and, 4/ instruct police officers to refrain from harassing youth and, instead, advise them to stop or question only when they have strong reasons to do so and, in such cases, to require officers to proceed in accordance with the principles of fairness and procedural justice.
Stoll, Aurélie; Fabre, Anne-Séverine; Campistol, Claudia; Ntamatungiro, Mylène; Hope, Kristen
Guide pour soutenir la désistance de mineur·e·s en détention Article de journal
Dans: Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, vol. LXXV, no. 2, p. 160–172, 2022.
title = {Guide pour soutenir la désistance de mineur·e·s en détention},
author = { Aurélie Stoll and Anne-Séverine Fabre and Claudia Campistol and Mylène Ntamatungiro and Kristen Hope},
url = {},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-06-30},
journal = {Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique},
volume = {LXXV},
number = {2},
pages = {160–172},
abstract = {Cette contribution rend compte d’un guide d’entretien à destination de professionnel·le·s travaillant auprès de mineur·e·s incarcéré·e·s dans les centres de détention où intervient la Fondation Terre des hommes ainsi que les étapes entourant sa création. Le guide développé est composé d’une grille d’entretien et d’une fiche de synthèse. Fruit d’une collaboration entre la Fondation Terre des hommes Lausanne et l’École des sciences criminelles de l’Université de Lausanne, ces outils développés sont le résultat d’un processus qui repose sur 1) les apports théoriques de l’approche de la désistance et du Good Lives Model 2) la recension des outils déjà existants dans dix délégations Terre des hommes dans le monde 3) les retours d’expériences sur les supports développés, tout au long de leur élaboration par des professionnel·le·s du travail social au Burundi, puis ailleurs dans le monde.
This paper presents an interview guide for professionals working with children in detention centers where Terre des hommes Foundation is active, and the steps leading to its creation. The guide consists of an interview grid and a summary sheet. Resulting from a collaboration between Terre des hommes Foundation Lausanne and the School of Criminal Justice of the University of Lausanne, this material is the outcome of a process based on 1) the theoretical contributions of the desistance approach and the Good Lives Model 2) a review of existing materials in ten Terre des hommes delegations around the world 3) feedback on the guide by social workers in Burundi and elsewhere in the world, over the course of its development.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
This paper presents an interview guide for professionals working with children in detention centers where Terre des hommes Foundation is active, and the steps leading to its creation. The guide consists of an interview grid and a summary sheet. Resulting from a collaboration between Terre des hommes Foundation Lausanne and the School of Criminal Justice of the University of Lausanne, this material is the outcome of a process based on 1) the theoretical contributions of the desistance approach and the Good Lives Model 2) a review of existing materials in ten Terre des hommes delegations around the world 3) feedback on the guide by social workers in Burundi and elsewhere in the world, over the course of its development.
Launay, Céline; Brunel, Maïté
De l’importance d’enregistrer le contenu des auditions policières : Une analyse psycho-sociale et cognitive Article de journal
Dans: Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, vol. LXXV, no. 2, p. 149–159, 2022.
title = {De l’importance d’enregistrer le contenu des auditions policières : Une analyse psycho-sociale et cognitive},
author = { Céline Launay and Maïté Brunel},
url = {},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-06-30},
journal = {Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique},
volume = {LXXV},
number = {2},
pages = {149–159},
abstract = {Les auditions des témoins et victimes adultes ne font pas systématiquement l’objet d’un enregistrement, contrairement aux préconisations internationales. Le Procès-Verbal d’audition reste donc le premier accès à la preuve testimoniale, mais, de par sa nature circonscrite, ne contient pas toutes les questions et interventions de l’enquêteur. Cette revue de questions documente l’éventail des questions et interventions des enquêteurs et leur utilisation d’un style de questionnement majoritairement fermé. Ensuite, cette revue analyse le double risque d’omission et de distorsion des informations obtenues à travers un questionnement inapproprié, par son contenu, son séquençage ou sa formulation. Enfin, cette revue souligne l’importance d’enregistrer l’intégralité des auditions pour (i) préserver la preuve testimoniale, (ii) analyser la fiabilité du témoignage, et (iii) évaluer et améliorer les pratiques professionnelles de recueil du témoignage. Seront discutées les implications de ces résultats sur les liens entre pratiques professionnelles et recherche scientifique en matière de recueil et de conservation de la preuve testimoniale.
The interviews of adult witnesses and victims are not systematically recorded, contrary to international best-practices recommendations. Hence, police reports remain the first access to witness evidence, but due to its circumscribed nature, they do not contain all the questions and interventions of the investigator. This narrative review documents the range of questions and interventions by the investigators and their use of a predominantly closed questioning style. Next, this review analyses the double risk of omission and distortion of information obtained through inappropriate questioning, in terms of content, sequencing or wording. Finally, this review highlights the importance of recording the entire interview in order to (i) preserve the witness evidence, (ii) analyse the reliability of witness testimony, and (iii) evaluate and improve professional information-gathering approaches. The implications of these findings regarding the relationship between professional practice and scientific research in the collection and preservation of the witness evidence will be discussed.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
The interviews of adult witnesses and victims are not systematically recorded, contrary to international best-practices recommendations. Hence, police reports remain the first access to witness evidence, but due to its circumscribed nature, they do not contain all the questions and interventions of the investigator. This narrative review documents the range of questions and interventions by the investigators and their use of a predominantly closed questioning style. Next, this review analyses the double risk of omission and distortion of information obtained through inappropriate questioning, in terms of content, sequencing or wording. Finally, this review highlights the importance of recording the entire interview in order to (i) preserve the witness evidence, (ii) analyse the reliability of witness testimony, and (iii) evaluate and improve professional information-gathering approaches. The implications of these findings regarding the relationship between professional practice and scientific research in the collection and preservation of the witness evidence will be discussed.
Veyrinas, Adeline; Dupont, Benoît
Intégrer la cybercriminalité aux activités de prévention de la délinquance : le défi des organisations policières locales Article de journal
Dans: Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, vol. LXXV, no. 2, p. 132–148, 2022.
title = {Intégrer la cybercriminalité aux activités de prévention de la délinquance : le défi des organisations policières locales},
author = { Adeline Veyrinas and Benoît Dupont},
url = {},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-06-30},
journal = {Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique},
volume = {LXXV},
number = {2},
pages = {132–148},
abstract = {Face à une délinquance en constante évolution, les forces de l’ordre sont tenues d’adapter leurs réponses et les ressources qu’elles mobilisent pour maintenir l’efficacité de leurs modes d’intervention, ce qui s’applique en premier lieu à la cybercriminalité. En raison de leur proximité avec la population, les policiers locaux en uniforme jouent un rôle majeur dans les activités de prévention, car ils informent et conseillent le public sur les caractéristiques des diverses formes de délinquance et sur les mesures de protection à adopter. Pourtant, les quelques recherches empiriques menées dans le domaine de la cybercriminalité ont montré que les agents de police disposent rarement d’un accès à des capacités suffisantes pour contrôler ce phénomène. Cependant, ces études se sont essentiellement consacrées aux activités d’enquête et ont négligé l’aspect préventif du travail policier. Il est donc nécessaire de mieux comprendre les défis auxquels sont confrontés les policiers spécialisés dans les activités de prévention afin de disposer d’une image complète de la situation. Grâce à la combinaison d’un sondage et d’entretiens approfondis avec des agents en uniforme et des enquêteurs spécialisés en cybercriminalité, cette étude décrit l’expérience d’un organisme local d’application de la loi canadien dans ses efforts d’offrir au public des activités et contenus de prévention de la cybercriminalité. Les résultats démontrent que les intervenants de première ligne expriment des besoins importants en termes de formation, de communication, et d’outils mis à leur disposition afin de soutenir leurs activités de prévention.
In the face of constantly evolving crime, law enforcement agencies are required to adapt their responses and resources to maintain the effectiveness of their intervention methods, and this applies primarily to cybercrime. Because of their proximity to the public, local uniformed police officers play a major role in prevention activities by informing and advising the public about the characteristics of various forms of crime and the protective measures to be adopted. Yet, the limited empirical research conducted in the area of cybercrime has shown that police officers rarely have access to sufficient capabilities to control this phenomenon. However, these studies have mainly focused on investigative activities and have neglected the preventive aspect of police work. Therefore, there is a need to better understand the challenges faced by police officers involved in prevention activities in order to have a comprehensive understanding of the situation. Through a combination of a survey and in-depth interviews with uniformed officers and cybercrime investigators, this study describes the experience of a local Canadian law enforcement agency in its efforts to provide the public with cybercrime prevention activities and content. The results show that front-line workers express significant needs in terms of training, communication, and tools available to them to support their prevention activities.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
In the face of constantly evolving crime, law enforcement agencies are required to adapt their responses and resources to maintain the effectiveness of their intervention methods, and this applies primarily to cybercrime. Because of their proximity to the public, local uniformed police officers play a major role in prevention activities by informing and advising the public about the characteristics of various forms of crime and the protective measures to be adopted. Yet, the limited empirical research conducted in the area of cybercrime has shown that police officers rarely have access to sufficient capabilities to control this phenomenon. However, these studies have mainly focused on investigative activities and have neglected the preventive aspect of police work. Therefore, there is a need to better understand the challenges faced by police officers involved in prevention activities in order to have a comprehensive understanding of the situation. Through a combination of a survey and in-depth interviews with uniformed officers and cybercrime investigators, this study describes the experience of a local Canadian law enforcement agency in its efforts to provide the public with cybercrime prevention activities and content. The results show that front-line workers express significant needs in terms of training, communication, and tools available to them to support their prevention activities.
Cusson, Maurice; Kuhn, André; Margot, Pierre; Ribaux, Olivier
Éditorial Article de journal
Dans: Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, vol. LXXV, no. 2, p. 131–131, 2022.
BibTeX | Liens:
title = {Éditorial},
author = { Maurice Cusson and André Kuhn and Pierre Margot and Olivier Ribaux},
url = {},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-06-30},
journal = {Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique},
volume = {LXXV},
number = {2},
pages = {131–131},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Zajdman, Alison; Tiago, Mélanie M.; Caneppele, Stefano
Les programmes de prévention de la radicalisation et de l’extrémisme violent en Europe: Qu’en est-il de la Suisse? Article de journal
Dans: Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, vol. LXXV, no. 1, p. 102–122, 2022.
title = {Les programmes de prévention de la radicalisation et de l’extrémisme violent en Europe: Qu’en est-il de la Suisse?},
author = { Alison Zajdman and Mélanie M. Tiago and Stefano Caneppele},
url = {},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-04-30},
journal = {Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique},
volume = {LXXV},
number = {1},
pages = {102–122},
abstract = {Depuis une vingtaine d’années, nous assistons à un essor toujours plus croissant du concept de radicalisation dans la littérature scientifique. Si ce concept n’a pas vu émerger de consensus clair l’entourant, il semble pourtant se caractériser par le processus préalable à un passage à l’acte violent, spécifiquement en ce qui a trait à la commission d’actes terroristes. Aussi, depuis les attentats du 11 septembre 2001, nous avons assisté à une volonté politique internationale visant à enrayer le terrorisme en s’attelant à la radicalisation survenue en amont. De ce fait, la plupart des pays européens ont mis sur pied bon nombre de programmes de prévention de la radicalisation et de l’extrémisme violent. Dans une démarche exploratoire, la présente recherche recense les principaux programmes européens de prévention ayant émergé et, vise à en dégager les modalités et à les comparer à celles propres au Plan d’Action National de lutte contre la radicalisation (PAN), adopté par la Confédération suisse le 24 novembre 2017. La présente étude analyse la première année d’implémentation d’une des mesures du PAN. En particulier, nous avons interrogé des représentants d’institutions associatives, étatiques et académiques dont les programmes de prévention de la radicalisation ont été subventionnés par l’Office fédéral de la police (Fedpol). De façon globale, les entretiens montrent que les premières initiatives suisses, à l’instar de ses homologues européens, se fondent essentiellement sur des approches intégratives et cognitives de contre-discours. Un consensus ressort également, à l’effet que le concept de radicalisation demeure flou et difficilement mesurable , qu’il importe de développer un réseau de confiance avec des acteurs clefs , qu’il est nécessaire d’évaluer ces dispositifs sur le long terme et, finalement, que le PAN comprend une limite financière, les fonds octroyés par ce dernier n’étant pas reconductibles au-delà d’une année.
Over the past twenty years, we have witnessed an increasing emergence of the concept of radicalization in the scientific literature. Although this concept does not meet the criteria for an established consensus about its meaning, it seems to be characterized by the process that precedes a violent act, specifically pertaining to the commission of terrorist acts. Also, since the attacks of September 11, 2001, international political responses have emerged in order to counter terrorism by tackling the preliminary radicalization related to it. As a result, most European countries have set up programs to prevent radicalization and violent extremism. In an exploratory approach, the present research aims to identify the main European prevention programs that have emerged, to focus on their terms and conditions, as well as comparing those to the National Action Plan against Radicalization (NAP), adopted by the Swiss Confederation on 24 November 2017. This study analyses the first year of implementation of one of the NAP measures. In particular, we interviewed representatives of associative, state and academic institutions whose radicalisation prevention programmes were subsidised by the Federal Police (Fedpol). Overall, the interviews show that the first Swiss initiatives, following the example of its European counterparts, are essentially based on integrative and cognitive counter-discourse approaches. Overall, our interviews with those professionals showed that Switzerland, like its European counterparts, relies essentially on integrative and cognitive counter-discourse approaches. There is also a consensus that the concept of radicalization remains unclear and difficult to measure , that it is important to develop a network of trust with key actors , that it is necessary to evaluate these measures over a long term , and finally, that the NAP has a financial limit, therefore the granted funds are not renewable beyond one year.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Over the past twenty years, we have witnessed an increasing emergence of the concept of radicalization in the scientific literature. Although this concept does not meet the criteria for an established consensus about its meaning, it seems to be characterized by the process that precedes a violent act, specifically pertaining to the commission of terrorist acts. Also, since the attacks of September 11, 2001, international political responses have emerged in order to counter terrorism by tackling the preliminary radicalization related to it. As a result, most European countries have set up programs to prevent radicalization and violent extremism. In an exploratory approach, the present research aims to identify the main European prevention programs that have emerged, to focus on their terms and conditions, as well as comparing those to the National Action Plan against Radicalization (NAP), adopted by the Swiss Confederation on 24 November 2017. This study analyses the first year of implementation of one of the NAP measures. In particular, we interviewed representatives of associative, state and academic institutions whose radicalisation prevention programmes were subsidised by the Federal Police (Fedpol). Overall, the interviews show that the first Swiss initiatives, following the example of its European counterparts, are essentially based on integrative and cognitive counter-discourse approaches. Overall, our interviews with those professionals showed that Switzerland, like its European counterparts, relies essentially on integrative and cognitive counter-discourse approaches. There is also a consensus that the concept of radicalization remains unclear and difficult to measure , that it is important to develop a network of trust with key actors , that it is necessary to evaluate these measures over a long term , and finally, that the NAP has a financial limit, therefore the granted funds are not renewable beyond one year.
Bamba, Ladji
Compréhension de la délinquance chez l’enfant Ivoirien Article de journal
Dans: Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, vol. LXXV, no. 1, p. 90–101, 2022.
title = {Compréhension de la délinquance chez l’enfant Ivoirien},
author = { Ladji Bamba},
url = {},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-04-30},
journal = {Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique},
volume = {LXXV},
number = {1},
pages = {90–101},
abstract = {Dans cette étude il s’agit de déterminer la compréhension de la délinquance chez les enfants en Côte d’Ivoire en fonction de leur catégorie d’âge. Pour la matérialiser, il s’agit pour nous de mettre en étude des sous-groupes d’enfants d’un âge compris entre 7 et 19 ans. Les répondants exposent leurs points de vue sur des actes délictueux, puis ils se positionnent quant aux origines de la délinquance dans les rues de la capitale économique ivoirienne, aux types de sanctions jugées justes et aux raisons des sanctions. Les résultats montrent : 1 / qu’à partir de 7-8 ans, les enfants sont capables de porter un avis sur la notion de transgression sociale, les incivilités, comme ne pas dire bonjour aux adultes, à partir de 9-13 ans ils ont une idée de ce qui sont les délits et crimes , 2 / trois types de réactions à la délinquance : une orientation punitive (en général ce sont les plus jeunes), une orientation sociale (plutôt les enfants de 14-17 ans), et une orientation psychologique (principalement les jeunes adultes de 19-20 ans).
In this study, the question is to comprehend the understanding of delinquency by children in Cote d’Ivoire depending of their age group. To materialize it, we need to study subgroups of children between the ages of 7 and 19. The respondents give their points of view on criminal acts, and then they position themselves as to the origins of delinquency in the streets of the Ivorian economic capital, the types of sanctions deemed fair and the reasons for the sanctions. The results show : 1 / that from 7-8 years old, children are able to express an opinion on the notion of social transgression, incivility, such as not greeting adults, from 9-13 years old they have an idea of what the offenses and felonies are , 2 / three types of reactions to delinquency : a punitive orientation (in general these are the youngest), a social orientation (more children aged 14 to 17 years old), and a psychological orientation (mainly young adults aged 19-20 years).},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
In this study, the question is to comprehend the understanding of delinquency by children in Cote d’Ivoire depending of their age group. To materialize it, we need to study subgroups of children between the ages of 7 and 19. The respondents give their points of view on criminal acts, and then they position themselves as to the origins of delinquency in the streets of the Ivorian economic capital, the types of sanctions deemed fair and the reasons for the sanctions. The results show : 1 / that from 7-8 years old, children are able to express an opinion on the notion of social transgression, incivility, such as not greeting adults, from 9-13 years old they have an idea of what the offenses and felonies are , 2 / three types of reactions to delinquency : a punitive orientation (in general these are the youngest), a social orientation (more children aged 14 to 17 years old), and a psychological orientation (mainly young adults aged 19-20 years).
Das, Claude Mane
L’évolution du profil des mineurs en prison en Haïti de 2004 à 2019 Article de journal
Dans: Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, vol. LXXV, no. 1, p. 73–89, 2022.
title = {L’évolution du profil des mineurs en prison en Haïti de 2004 à 2019},
author = { Claude Mane Das},
url = {},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-04-30},
journal = {Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique},
volume = {LXXV},
number = {1},
pages = {73–89},
abstract = {Le profil du mineur en prison n’est que partiellement connu en Haïti, les recherches ne traitant pas de son évolution dans le temps. Cette recherche dresse un profil complet des mineurs incarcérés en Haïti et établit son évolution en analysant les éléments du contexte sociopolitique qui ont jalonné l’entrée du mineur en prison. La recherche a été menée dans quatre prisons du pays. 3088 dossiers de 2004 à 2019 ont été consultés et analysés. Les résultats de l’enquête montrent une augmentation de l’effectif des mineurs en prison durant les périodes de grandes turbulences politiques et de catastrophes naturelles (2008-2010-2015) avec une propension pour les faits de vol (34,1 %), de voies de fait (15,6 %), d’association de malfaiteurs (12,1 %) et de viol (13,2 %). Cette recherche relève que 95 % (soit 2933) des mineurs délinquants résident dans les principales villes du pays pour la période de 2004 à 2019. Le relâchement des normes en période de crise (Ouimet, 2018) et la faiblesse institutionnelle des instances répressives en particulier la Police nationale d’Haïti constituent entre autres des hypothèses valables à vérifier au regard de l’augmentation significative des mineurs délinquants en milieu carcéral durant les périodes de crise et de catastrophe naturelle.
The profile of the minor in prison is only partially known in Haïti as research does not address its evolution over time. This research provides a complete profile of juvenile offenders incarcerated in Haïti and establishes its evolution by analyzing the elements of the socio-political context which precede the entry of the minor into the prison. The research was carried out in four prisons in the country. 3088 files from 2004 to 2019 were consulted and analyzed. The results of the survey show an increase in the number of minors in prison during periods of great political turmoil and natural disasters (2008-2010-2015) with a propensity for acts of theft (34,1 %), assault (15,6 %), criminal association (12,1 %) and rape (13,2 %). This research notes that 95 % (2933 out of the 3088) minors imprisoned are listed in the main cities of the country for the period from 2004 to 2019. The relaxation of social standards in a period of crisis (Ouimet, 2018) and the institutional weakness of the law enforcement by the authorities, in particular the Haïtian National Police, are among the hypotheses that needs to be verified in regard to the significant increase of delinquent minor in carceral system during periods of crisis and natural disaster.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
The profile of the minor in prison is only partially known in Haïti as research does not address its evolution over time. This research provides a complete profile of juvenile offenders incarcerated in Haïti and establishes its evolution by analyzing the elements of the socio-political context which precede the entry of the minor into the prison. The research was carried out in four prisons in the country. 3088 files from 2004 to 2019 were consulted and analyzed. The results of the survey show an increase in the number of minors in prison during periods of great political turmoil and natural disasters (2008-2010-2015) with a propensity for acts of theft (34,1 %), assault (15,6 %), criminal association (12,1 %) and rape (13,2 %). This research notes that 95 % (2933 out of the 3088) minors imprisoned are listed in the main cities of the country for the period from 2004 to 2019. The relaxation of social standards in a period of crisis (Ouimet, 2018) and the institutional weakness of the law enforcement by the authorities, in particular the Haïtian National Police, are among the hypotheses that needs to be verified in regard to the significant increase of delinquent minor in carceral system during periods of crisis and natural disaster.
Vacheret, Marion; Quirion, Bastien; Boucher, Philippe; Wylde, Cyndy; Plourde, Chantal; Rouleau, Alexis Marcoux
Les initiatives de prise en charge adaptée des Premières Nations et Inuit judiciarisés au Canada. Quelques pistes de réflexion Article de journal
Dans: Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, vol. LXXV, no. 1, p. 54–72, 2022.
title = {Les initiatives de prise en charge adaptée des Premières Nations et Inuit judiciarisés au Canada. Quelques pistes de réflexion},
author = { Marion Vacheret and Bastien Quirion and Philippe Boucher and Cyndy Wylde and Chantal Plourde and Alexis Marcoux Rouleau},
url = {},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-04-30},
journal = {Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique},
volume = {LXXV},
number = {1},
pages = {54–72},
abstract = {La prise en charge des Autochtones par les autorités judiciaires canadiennes est reconnue comme problématique à divers niveaux notamment en termes de surreprésentation en détention. Basé sur une revue de littérature, cet article propose une analyse des initiatives menées par les autorités correctionnelles et certaines communautés autochtones pour mettre à la disposition des justiciables autochtones des programmes mieux adaptés à leurs réalités et favorisant ainsi leur réintégration sociocommunautaire. Si ces initiatives sont significatives dans le cheminement des Premières Nations et Inuit judiciarisées, plusieurs enjeux et questionnements restent importants à soulever et ce d’autant plus qu’elles ne répondent pas au problème de départ, soit celui de la sur-pénalisation des Autochtones au Canada.
The treatment of Indigenous people within the Canadian criminal justice system is problematic in several ways, particularly in terms of over-representation in prison population. Based on a literature review, this article explores the initiatives carried out by correctional services and Indigenous communities to provide programs that are better suited to the realities of criminalized Indigenous people, and that can better contribute to their social reintegration into community. While these initiatives are significant in the progression of First Nations and Inuit who have been criminalized, several issues and questions remain important to raise, especially since they do not address the initial problem, namely the over-penalization of Indigenous people in Canada.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
The treatment of Indigenous people within the Canadian criminal justice system is problematic in several ways, particularly in terms of over-representation in prison population. Based on a literature review, this article explores the initiatives carried out by correctional services and Indigenous communities to provide programs that are better suited to the realities of criminalized Indigenous people, and that can better contribute to their social reintegration into community. While these initiatives are significant in the progression of First Nations and Inuit who have been criminalized, several issues and questions remain important to raise, especially since they do not address the initial problem, namely the over-penalization of Indigenous people in Canada.